Use case(s):

  • High quality, inbound, trade finance facility requests.

Economic case(s):

  • Ability to take part in the lucrative trade finance business.

Adoption schema:

Product narrative:

SACCOS have not traditionally participated in the lucrative trade finance market.

This is despite having many members involved in the commodities trade.

Traditional borrowing from SACCOS does not lend itself to just-in-time trade finance products.

Silknodes® Marketware™ provides the opportunity for SACCOS to enter the trade finance business. 

It facilitates live, digital, credit facility parameters definition, rate comparison, terms negotiation and transaction settlement.

Watch the video below to find out how Silknodes® Marketware™ can help your SACCO enter the lucrative trade finance business, with a pre-curated audience of high quality borrowers.

If you are ready to start using our middleware register for an account here.

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